Can I take my cat for a walk?
As we all know, cats are know for being indoor animals. They love staying at home and playing with your furniture unlike our canine friends. However, it is common to take cats for walks.
Here are some things to keep in mind before taking you cat(s) for a walk:
1. Leashes
Despite cats on leashes, not being a common sight to see, it does not mean that they cannot wear leashes. The reason for leashes is to keep your precious friend safe and to prevent them from running into danger zones.
Getting a leash in the correct size is important to ensure that your feline friends do not choke or have difficulty breathing. Ensure that they get used to their harnesses before test driving the use of the leashes on them as some felines may not be comfortable with the use of harnesses or even collars.
2. Jumpy, Startled, RUNN
As mentioned above about using leashes for the safety of your furry friend, this is because when they are outside, it is more frightening for them than it is for us. The are easily scared by loud sounds and noises or even by the sight of strangers who walk towards them or even try to touch them, which makes them want to just RUN.
To prevent them from running away and eventually running across a heavy traffic road and getting themselves or even others hurt, we try to stop and calm them down with the use of the leash.
Another optional method you can use when taking your cat for a walk is to use a stroller for your felines to take a break from the noisy, terrifying outside and relax.
3. Don't forget treats! (yummy)
Don't forget to give your cat treats every once in a while to tell them what a good job they are doing at staying brave. 😊